
Is fear ruining your life?

Everything you want is on the other side of Fear  “We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light” Plato Is fear ruining your life? One of the...

Is fear ruining your life?

Everything you want is on the other side of Fear  “We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light” Plato Is fear ruining your life? One of the...

Some people pursue happiness at work, others create it! Making a change in your people will help them make a change in your business!   According to various studies, happier people are healthier and more creative, energetic, productive, resilient, cooperative, social, and engaged at...

Can a few simple daily actions make YOU happier at work?

Some people pursue happiness at work, others create it! Making a change in your people will help them make a change in your business!   According to various studies, happier people are healthier and more creative, energetic, productive, resilient, cooperative, social, and engaged at...

“Strength grows in the moments when you think you cannot go on but you keep going on anyway” I would like to dedicate this article to all who are going through tough times, to my clients, to my  lovely students at Jeunesse Contre La...

Actions to take when life hurts …

“Strength grows in the moments when you think you cannot go on but you keep going on anyway” I would like to dedicate this article to all who are going through tough times, to my clients, to my  lovely students at Jeunesse Contre La...

2020 has shaken most of us to our core in different levels and aspects. I am now super confident that the impact of this year also made us realize that we all need to develop the right skills in order to cope with the...

This is how to be mentally strong in times of crisis

2020 has shaken most of us to our core in different levels and aspects. I am now super confident that the impact of this year also made us realize that we all need to develop the right skills in order to cope with the...

Have you been experiencing higher levels of stress in your body and brain? do you feel overwhelmed, anxious and worried since the beginning of the Lebanese revolution?  Clearly, many people are distressed about the political and economic situation Lebanon is going through and many...

Staying Optimistic in Lebanon

Have you been experiencing higher levels of stress in your body and brain? do you feel overwhelmed, anxious and worried since the beginning of the Lebanese revolution?  Clearly, many people are distressed about the political and economic situation Lebanon is going through and many...

Happiness comes when you work and words are of benefit to yourself and others – Buddha  Given the number of hours people spend working over a lifetime, it is inevitable now for individuals to consider making the most out of the work they do...

Can we truly be happier at work? Science says YES!

Happiness comes when you work and words are of benefit to yourself and others – Buddha  Given the number of hours people spend working over a lifetime, it is inevitable now for individuals to consider making the most out of the work they do...

“Homework shouldn’t be synonym of struggle and stress; but of learning and fun”   –  Haifa Dada The beginning of the academic year brings with it lots of stress for both parents and students. Who says back to school, says back to homework; and...

The 6 Keys of a happier Homework time

“Homework shouldn’t be synonym of struggle and stress; but of learning and fun”   –  Haifa Dada The beginning of the academic year brings with it lots of stress for both parents and students. Who says back to school, says back to homework; and...

“One reason so few of us achieve what we truly want is that we never direct our focus; we never concentrate our power. Most people dabble their way through life, never deciding to master anything in particular. ” -Tony Robbins According to a 2015...

Are you addicted to wasting your time and losing your focus?

“One reason so few of us achieve what we truly want is that we never direct our focus; we never concentrate our power. Most people dabble their way through life, never deciding to master anything in particular. ” -Tony Robbins According to a 2015...

Prevent your children from becoming addicted to their screens, the GSC strategy! If I asked you what is one of the biggest challenge we, as parents, are facing in today’s life, what would your answer be? Kids and teens being stuck to their screen,...

The GSC Strategy

Prevent your children from becoming addicted to their screens, the GSC strategy! If I asked you what is one of the biggest challenge we, as parents, are facing in today’s life, what would your answer be? Kids and teens being stuck to their screen,...

Sometimes, people get discouraged in life because things didn’t turn out the way they hoped. Maybe they put energy into a relationship, but it didn’t work out. They tried a new business venture, but they are still struggling with their finances. Now they think...

Lance Armstrong said “Pain is temporary, Quitting lasts forever”

Sometimes, people get discouraged in life because things didn’t turn out the way they hoped. Maybe they put energy into a relationship, but it didn’t work out. They tried a new business venture, but they are still struggling with their finances. Now they think...

Everybody wants loyalty, consistency and someone who won’t quit, but everybody forgets that to get that person, you have to be that person. Whether you are in a relationship or single, whether you want to create an extraordinary relationship with your partner or attract...

Keys to outstanding relationships

Everybody wants loyalty, consistency and someone who won’t quit, but everybody forgets that to get that person, you have to be that person. Whether you are in a relationship or single, whether you want to create an extraordinary relationship with your partner or attract...

“There is such a pressure on kids these days to be the best at everything” Especially at school!! Many parents nowadays are putting intense pressure on their children to excel academically. While parental pressure can be helpful sometimes to motivate kids to study hard,...

Effects of parental pressure on kids

“There is such a pressure on kids these days to be the best at everything” Especially at school!! Many parents nowadays are putting intense pressure on their children to excel academically. While parental pressure can be helpful sometimes to motivate kids to study hard,...

Nelson Mandela said “As I walked out the door toward the gate that would lead to my freedom, I knew if I didn’t leave my bitterness and hatred behind, I would still be in prison”. Happy New Year from Emerge Coaching!! Do you know what...

This is how to create lasting change in 2018

Nelson Mandela said “As I walked out the door toward the gate that would lead to my freedom, I knew if I didn’t leave my bitterness and hatred behind, I would still be in prison”. Happy New Year from Emerge Coaching!! Do you know what...

“Love your kids first, and everything you want to teach them becomes easy!” Haifa DADA Are you a parent who’s worried and anxious about how to teach your children to listen, and think you should put all your energy into correcting their behaviors? Do...

Connect before you correct

“Love your kids first, and everything you want to teach them becomes easy!” Haifa DADA Are you a parent who’s worried and anxious about how to teach your children to listen, and think you should put all your energy into correcting their behaviors? Do...

Socrates said “I Know one thing: that I know nothing How come I was so blind? How did I let something like this happen to me? What if I cannot forgive myself for acting so stupid? Why did i cause myself all this pain? How...

To heal a wound you need to stop touching it

Socrates said “I Know one thing: that I know nothing How come I was so blind? How did I let something like this happen to me? What if I cannot forgive myself for acting so stupid? Why did i cause myself all this pain? How...

” I don’t want to be at the mercy of my emotions, I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them”- Oscar Wilde Everything we do in life, we do it to seek pleasure or to avoid pain. Anthony Robbins said...

Give yourself permission to be human

” I don’t want to be at the mercy of my emotions, I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them”- Oscar Wilde Everything we do in life, we do it to seek pleasure or to avoid pain. Anthony Robbins said...

“Life is only as good as your mindset ” Tony Robbins As human beings, we all seek happiness. We all want to avoid painful experiences and to look for ways to bring happiness into our lives. But happiness is different for everyone. What makes...

8 steps to cultivate a happier mind

“Life is only as good as your mindset ” Tony Robbins As human beings, we all seek happiness. We all want to avoid painful experiences and to look for ways to bring happiness into our lives. But happiness is different for everyone. What makes...

“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.” Mahatma Gandhi One of the most important lessons I learnt from my mother is to forgive and let go. I asked my mother to tell me more about forgiveness; and this is...

The power of Forgiveness

“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.” Mahatma Gandhi One of the most important lessons I learnt from my mother is to forgive and let go. I asked my mother to tell me more about forgiveness; and this is...

“It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life...

The best tools to equip your child with, in preparation for a big change!

“It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life...

“The real man smiles in trouble, gathers strength from distress, and grows brave by reflection.” Thomas Paine.   I was very happy and honored to take part of the Warriors in Pink, event in Ehden, Lebanon. The event was powered by Ford Middle East and aimed...

You are strong because of your past pains, Are you aware of that?

“The real man smiles in trouble, gathers strength from distress, and grows brave by reflection.” Thomas Paine.   I was very happy and honored to take part of the Warriors in Pink, event in Ehden, Lebanon. The event was powered by Ford Middle East and aimed...

“A child with anxiety needs two things: your presence and to come back to the present moment” Haifa Dad If you’re reading this right now, then either you or someone you care about are struggling with a child or a teen having anxiety problems....

The 7 skills every parent should master to calm a child’s anxiety

“A child with anxiety needs two things: your presence and to come back to the present moment” Haifa Dad If you’re reading this right now, then either you or someone you care about are struggling with a child or a teen having anxiety problems....

“Parents need to fill a child’s self-esteem so high that the rest of the world can’t poke enough holes to drain it dry” – Alvin Price   Self-esteem is the sum of beliefs and the feelings we have about ourselves and about our abilities....

10 brilliant ways to boost your child’s self-esteem

“Parents need to fill a child’s self-esteem so high that the rest of the world can’t poke enough holes to drain it dry” – Alvin Price   Self-esteem is the sum of beliefs and the feelings we have about ourselves and about our abilities....

“Routines are an interactive process. You add and adopt it over time. I have been doing some version of this specific routine for nearly five years. It’s gotten me through three books in three years as well as dozens of projects for clients big...

The morning routine, a habit of happy people

“Routines are an interactive process. You add and adopt it over time. I have been doing some version of this specific routine for nearly five years. It’s gotten me through three books in three years as well as dozens of projects for clients big...

 “Parenting… Strip it down and what do you really have? A relationship with a unique little person God entrusted to you to nurture, love and raise”. Matthew Jacobson   Being a mother of two boys and a parent coach, I have always asked myself:...

The 5 essential ingredients that make a good parenting recipe!

 “Parenting… Strip it down and what do you really have? A relationship with a unique little person God entrusted to you to nurture, love and raise”. Matthew Jacobson   Being a mother of two boys and a parent coach, I have always asked myself:...

“Happiness is a journey without a distance, a journey that takes no time, a journey that has already been made” On the occasion of the International Day of Happiness (known as Happiness Day) which is celebrated throughout the world on the 20th of March,...

Happiness is yours for choosing!

“Happiness is a journey without a distance, a journey that takes no time, a journey that has already been made” On the occasion of the International Day of Happiness (known as Happiness Day) which is celebrated throughout the world on the 20th of March,...

“Women are able to reach their full potential in life and in happiness when they feel loved, appreciated and celebrated” – Linda Chaccour  To all the beautiful women out there, you are the pioneer of every society, community and family, a true giver by...

In celebration of Women

“Women are able to reach their full potential in life and in happiness when they feel loved, appreciated and celebrated” – Linda Chaccour  To all the beautiful women out there, you are the pioneer of every society, community and family, a true giver by...

“Never apologize for what YOU feel, It is like saying Sorry for being Real” No one can control how they feel. Feelings just are… And it is completely normal and acceptable for children to have feelings. There is no right or wrong feelings. However,...

Never apologize for what YOU feel…

“Never apologize for what YOU feel, It is like saying Sorry for being Real” No one can control how they feel. Feelings just are… And it is completely normal and acceptable for children to have feelings. There is no right or wrong feelings. However,...

“Valentine is a magnificent occasion to remind us that the expression of love is a natural beautiful process of life. Flowing and experiencing the magic starts with showering oneself and others with love and kindness. When you deposit love in anything the outcome can...

6 simple ways to “I Love Me”

“Valentine is a magnificent occasion to remind us that the expression of love is a natural beautiful process of life. Flowing and experiencing the magic starts with showering oneself and others with love and kindness. When you deposit love in anything the outcome can...

“Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens.” Carl Jung Remember that day where you didn’t have a single thought? Neither do I! We are perpetual thinkers, it is a non-stop habit....

Are you mindful or mind full?

“Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens.” Carl Jung Remember that day where you didn’t have a single thought? Neither do I! We are perpetual thinkers, it is a non-stop habit....

As Cyril Cusack states “If you asked me about my new year resolution, it would be to find out who I am.”   The New Year’s Resolution tradition goes back to 153 B.C. when January 1st was set as the first day of the...

Your Fast Path To Ultimate Happiness

As Cyril Cusack states “If you asked me about my new year resolution, it would be to find out who I am.”   The New Year’s Resolution tradition goes back to 153 B.C. when January 1st was set as the first day of the...

“Peaceful parenting isn’t about never saying NO. It is teaching children that hearing NO is not the end of the world”. One of the hardest parts of parenting is to refuse something our kids ask for. We usually try to be firm, but end...

Saying no to your child: Tips to be a more assertive parent

“Peaceful parenting isn’t about never saying NO. It is teaching children that hearing NO is not the end of the world”. One of the hardest parts of parenting is to refuse something our kids ask for. We usually try to be firm, but end...

“When it rains, it pours, maybe the art of life is to convert tough times to great experiences: We can choose to hate the rain or dance in it.” – Joan Marques    Are you a carrot, an egg, or a coffee bean? “When adversity...

“When it rains, it pours, maybe the art of life is to convert tough times to great experiences: We can choose to hate the rain or dance in it.” – Joan Marques    Are you a carrot, an egg, or a coffee bean? “When adversity...

“It is better to prepare and prevent than it is to repair and repent” – Erza Taft Benson The “pass out” challenge is becoming recently one of the trendiest games to be played almost everywhere among children and teens. The game involves two persons:...

The deadly challenge

“It is better to prepare and prevent than it is to repair and repent” – Erza Taft Benson The “pass out” challenge is becoming recently one of the trendiest games to be played almost everywhere among children and teens. The game involves two persons:...

“Kindness is the language in which the deaf can hear and the blind can see” Mark Twain “The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer someone else up”, Mark Twain wrote that and he was right. Do you want to...

This is how to be kind with awareness

“Kindness is the language in which the deaf can hear and the blind can see” Mark Twain “The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer someone else up”, Mark Twain wrote that and he was right. Do you want to...

“Do not teach your children NOT to be angry; teach them How to be angry”- Lyman Abbott Anger is an emotion, not an action! It usually mobilizes a response to danger, but it is also a form of self-expression. Children have a lot to...

8 ways to deal with your child anger

“Do not teach your children NOT to be angry; teach them How to be angry”- Lyman Abbott Anger is an emotion, not an action! It usually mobilizes a response to danger, but it is also a form of self-expression. Children have a lot to...

“Happiness will come when you truly get rid of the beliefs that are holding you back”  Don’t you wonder why some people enjoy their lives no matter how challenging the difficulties are, while others cannot find peace no matter how hard they try? Extensive scientific studies...

Why are some people happier than others?

“Happiness will come when you truly get rid of the beliefs that are holding you back”  Don’t you wonder why some people enjoy their lives no matter how challenging the difficulties are, while others cannot find peace no matter how hard they try? Extensive scientific studies...

“Rejection is not fatal; it is merely someone’s opinion” – Unknown Do you recall any social rejections from your teenage years??  I can imagine how you wish you could protect your child from that feeling!! But rejection is a part of life. According to the Wikipedia, a social rejection...

Children and the pain of social rejection

“Rejection is not fatal; it is merely someone’s opinion” – Unknown Do you recall any social rejections from your teenage years??  I can imagine how you wish you could protect your child from that feeling!! But rejection is a part of life. According to the Wikipedia, a social rejection...

“We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light”  Plato Is fear ruining your life? One of the ways to overcome your fear is to ask yourself, what...

Let Fear be your greatest motivator

“We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light”  Plato Is fear ruining your life? One of the ways to overcome your fear is to ask yourself, what...

“I don’t believe people are looking for the meaning of life so much as they are looking for the experience of being alive”. Joseph Campbell said that and he was right. How often have you said, “It is time for a big change in...

Do you feel alive or merely existing?

“I don’t believe people are looking for the meaning of life so much as they are looking for the experience of being alive”. Joseph Campbell said that and he was right. How often have you said, “It is time for a big change in...

“You’re off to great places. Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, so get on your way! Dr. Seuss DRRRIIIIING!!! It’s time to go back to school… Students of all ages are preparing for a new academic year, a new beginning and a...

8 simple ways to enjoy an easy and relaxed back to school experience

“You’re off to great places. Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, so get on your way! Dr. Seuss DRRRIIIIING!!! It’s time to go back to school… Students of all ages are preparing for a new academic year, a new beginning and a...

“It is not what technology does to us, it is what we do to technology. Get smart with technology, chose wisely and use it in a way that benefits both you and those around you” Children today use technology more than ever. Most of...

Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master..

“It is not what technology does to us, it is what we do to technology. Get smart with technology, chose wisely and use it in a way that benefits both you and those around you” Children today use technology more than ever. Most of...

” Life belongs to the living, and he who lives must be prepared for change.”  Johann Von Goethe Is there anything in your life right now that you would like to change? Is there anything that you are coping with and you feel that...

Jump! don’t be the boiled frog!!

” Life belongs to the living, and he who lives must be prepared for change.”  Johann Von Goethe Is there anything in your life right now that you would like to change? Is there anything that you are coping with and you feel that...

“We are not human beings on a spiritual journey, we are spiritual beings on a human journey”  Stephen Covey As we reach the middle of Ramadan, a time that most people tend to use for reassessment, realignment and refocusing their lives, let us look at things...

Are you spiritually productive?

“We are not human beings on a spiritual journey, we are spiritual beings on a human journey”  Stephen Covey As we reach the middle of Ramadan, a time that most people tend to use for reassessment, realignment and refocusing their lives, let us look at things...

“The greatest legacy we can leave our children is happy memories, enough happiness to fill their hearts and more love than they can spend a lifetime”. Vacation is a chance to take a break from work, explore the world and enjoy time with family....

6 Secrets for a happy family vacation

“The greatest legacy we can leave our children is happy memories, enough happiness to fill their hearts and more love than they can spend a lifetime”. Vacation is a chance to take a break from work, explore the world and enjoy time with family....

“I agree that exam has its own pressure, but not in my dictionary, no exam no pressure there is only one word and that is of happiness” -Rishad Sakhi For some children, the exam period is an extremely stressful and anxious time! Stress can...

Staying cool under exam pressure

“I agree that exam has its own pressure, but not in my dictionary, no exam no pressure there is only one word and that is of happiness” -Rishad Sakhi For some children, the exam period is an extremely stressful and anxious time! Stress can...

“If you live for people’s acceptance, you will die from their rejection”- Lecrae Do you feel sometimes exhausted from putting everyone else needs before your own? Do you do things for others even if it leaves you unhappy?  Are you a “YES” person who...

You are not responsible for other people’s happiness, “I dare you to say NO”

“If you live for people’s acceptance, you will die from their rejection”- Lecrae Do you feel sometimes exhausted from putting everyone else needs before your own? Do you do things for others even if it leaves you unhappy?  Are you a “YES” person who...

“Within you, is a power to rise above any situation or struggle and transform into the brightest version of you ever.” When time is tough… and things go wrong … do you also go with them?? Do you believe that sometimes things need to...

The end of whine

“Within you, is a power to rise above any situation or struggle and transform into the brightest version of you ever.” When time is tough… and things go wrong … do you also go with them?? Do you believe that sometimes things need to...

“The Best way to make children good is to make them happy” Oscar Wilde Have you ever wondered why some kids are happier than others? And have you thought of ways to make your kids happier? Here are 6 tips which could help you...

What do you want in life for your children?

“The Best way to make children good is to make them happy” Oscar Wilde Have you ever wondered why some kids are happier than others? And have you thought of ways to make your kids happier? Here are 6 tips which could help you...

“Don’t forget to fall in love with yourself first.” Carrie Bradshaw said that and she was right. On the occasion of Valentine’s Day, I thought to remind you that falling in love with yourself is the best way to find true love. Loving yourself...

Don’t forget to fall in love with yourself first.

“Don’t forget to fall in love with yourself first.” Carrie Bradshaw said that and she was right. On the occasion of Valentine’s Day, I thought to remind you that falling in love with yourself is the best way to find true love. Loving yourself...

The successful man will profit from his mistakes and try again in different way – Dale Carnegie As we approach the end of 2015, I am inviting you to think about the possibility of adopting a new perspective for 2016, a new way to...

The power of a new perspective

The successful man will profit from his mistakes and try again in different way – Dale Carnegie As we approach the end of 2015, I am inviting you to think about the possibility of adopting a new perspective for 2016, a new way to...

You deserve to live happily. Take the Happiness quiz now and find out how happy are you? Aren’t we all chasing happiness?  I really believe that everyone’s purpose is to have a happy and fulfilled life. Don’t you wonder why some people enjoy their lives no...

What makes you happy?

You deserve to live happily. Take the Happiness quiz now and find out how happy are you? Aren’t we all chasing happiness?  I really believe that everyone’s purpose is to have a happy and fulfilled life. Don’t you wonder why some people enjoy their lives no...

I find something wonderfully energizing about September in Dubai.  The air seems fresh and full of possibility even though it is 48 degrees outside September is a prime time for change for most people.  It is a busy time of the year especially for...

Forget New Year, September is a great time for new beginnings!

I find something wonderfully energizing about September in Dubai.  The air seems fresh and full of possibility even though it is 48 degrees outside September is a prime time for change for most people.  It is a busy time of the year especially for...

A working mother is a woman with the ability to combine a job/career with the added responsibility of raising children. One day someone said: “a man’s work is from sun to sun, while mother’s work is never done.” While women are nowadays keen to...

10 benefits of being a working “MOM”

A working mother is a woman with the ability to combine a job/career with the added responsibility of raising children. One day someone said: “a man’s work is from sun to sun, while mother’s work is never done.” While women are nowadays keen to...

“When life hands you lemons, make lemonade” A very famous quote by Dale Carnegie who used it in his book “ How to Stop worrying and start living” which simply states that when something bad happens, you have three choices : you can either let it define...

Say Yes to the universe!

“When life hands you lemons, make lemonade” A very famous quote by Dale Carnegie who used it in his book “ How to Stop worrying and start living” which simply states that when something bad happens, you have three choices : you can either let it define...

Have you been busy creating your New Year resolutions, or have you decided never to make a New Year’s resolution ever again? If yes, then you are not alone. A new year resolution is a commitment towards a goal, a project or a habit that one makes in anticipation of the New...

Strategize your 2015 in just 20 minutes…

Have you been busy creating your New Year resolutions, or have you decided never to make a New Year’s resolution ever again? If yes, then you are not alone. A new year resolution is a commitment towards a goal, a project or a habit that one makes in anticipation of the New...

Have you ever wondered how come some people make it through life or business while others don’t? do you really think that some hold the secrets to success where others are still searching for it? Would you say that it is a matter of...

keys to a successful living

Have you ever wondered how come some people make it through life or business while others don’t? do you really think that some hold the secrets to success where others are still searching for it? Would you say that it is a matter of...

If you don’t see your self-worth, you will always choose people who don’t see it either, When your self-esteem rises, your life follows. “Mandy Hale”. Have you wondered why is it that some kids are self-confident…open, willing and ready to experiment… …while others are...

Is lack of self-esteem holding your child back?

If you don’t see your self-worth, you will always choose people who don’t see it either, When your self-esteem rises, your life follows. “Mandy Hale”. Have you wondered why is it that some kids are self-confident…open, willing and ready to experiment… …while others are...

Five minutes is all what it will take you to improve your life, lower your stress, increase your self-esteem and get more motivated. Practice these quick tips every day for a mood boost! –  Creative Visualization : pick a time of the day, where...

How to improve your life in 5 Minutes…

Five minutes is all what it will take you to improve your life, lower your stress, increase your self-esteem and get more motivated. Practice these quick tips every day for a mood boost! –  Creative Visualization : pick a time of the day, where...

Year 2010 will be always considered a breakthrough year for me. The situations and the events of that year made me think that it was the worse year in life however looking back, I realize that 2010 turned to be the greatest year at...

My personal Journey – everything you want is on the other side of Fear

Year 2010 will be always considered a breakthrough year for me. The situations and the events of that year made me think that it was the worse year in life however looking back, I realize that 2010 turned to be the greatest year at...

Below are set of empowering questions that can help you change your focus and thus change your life. Do you  know that asking the right questions can actually save your life? We ask ourselves questions all day long. Our questions control our focus, how...

Questions are the answer

Below are set of empowering questions that can help you change your focus and thus change your life. Do you  know that asking the right questions can actually save your life? We ask ourselves questions all day long. Our questions control our focus, how...

Having post vacation blues? Stay positive your vacation has a lot to teach you!! It is very common to experience discomfort and distress when you and your family are getting back into your everyday routines of work, school and daily chores in general, following...

Having post vacation blues? Stay positive your vacation has a lot to teach you!!

Having post vacation blues? Stay positive your vacation has a lot to teach you!! It is very common to experience discomfort and distress when you and your family are getting back into your everyday routines of work, school and daily chores in general, following...

Inner confidence is critical for children happiness and success in life. It is their driving force to have faith in themselves and belief in their abilities and be the person they want to be. Children with strong inner confidence take pride in their abilities...

Raising confident children

Inner confidence is critical for children happiness and success in life. It is their driving force to have faith in themselves and belief in their abilities and be the person they want to be. Children with strong inner confidence take pride in their abilities...

Do you talk to yourself? Yes? How? Actually we all participate in some form of self-talk. Self-talk is your personal internal dialog that tells you “I am awesome” or “I am not good enough”. Negative self-talk limits you, increases your stress levels and lowers...

Do you talk to yourself??

Do you talk to yourself? Yes? How? Actually we all participate in some form of self-talk. Self-talk is your personal internal dialog that tells you “I am awesome” or “I am not good enough”. Negative self-talk limits you, increases your stress levels and lowers...

   A New Year resolution is a commitment towards a goal, a project or a habit that one makes in anticipation of the New Year as the word “New” holds an opportunity for another beginning and a brand fresh start. Whether it is a commitment...

Are you among the 80 % of the people who renounce on their New Year resolutions by Valentine’s Day?

   A New Year resolution is a commitment towards a goal, a project or a habit that one makes in anticipation of the New Year as the word “New” holds an opportunity for another beginning and a brand fresh start. Whether it is a commitment...

Do you feel like the “Homework Police” when what all you really want to be is a supportive parent? Homework may represent a challenge for both children and parents and most parents have serious arguments with their children about it.  In fact after 7...

Strategies to handle homework hassle

Do you feel like the “Homework Police” when what all you really want to be is a supportive parent? Homework may represent a challenge for both children and parents and most parents have serious arguments with their children about it.  In fact after 7...

Gratitude is a feeling or an attitude expressing thankfulness for what one has and will have.  Recent studies suggest that gratitude is linked to well-being and happiness. Grateful people are happier, healthier, and optimistic and are able to cope positively with changes, challenges and...

Gratitude – cultivate your soul

Gratitude is a feeling or an attitude expressing thankfulness for what one has and will have.  Recent studies suggest that gratitude is linked to well-being and happiness. Grateful people are happier, healthier, and optimistic and are able to cope positively with changes, challenges and...

Emotional intelligence (EQ) is the ability to understand, use, and manage our emotions and the emotions of others to enjoy successful social interactions.  EQ skills are learnt and can be improved while growing up. Every parent knows the importance of equipping children with the...

Tips to raise Emotionally Intelligent Happier Children

Emotional intelligence (EQ) is the ability to understand, use, and manage our emotions and the emotions of others to enjoy successful social interactions.  EQ skills are learnt and can be improved while growing up. Every parent knows the importance of equipping children with the...

The Word Solitude may fill you with fear or peace, depending on your perspective. Let’s start with some distinction; being alone and being lonely are very different. Solitude is quality time spent alone with yourself, without feeling lonely. Most people share a fear of being...

Solitude: The practice of alone time

The Word Solitude may fill you with fear or peace, depending on your perspective. Let’s start with some distinction; being alone and being lonely are very different. Solitude is quality time spent alone with yourself, without feeling lonely. Most people share a fear of being...

In addition to it being a new environment, for an expat child, going to a new school can be exciting or nerve-wracking. There are some ways to support both parents and children cope mentally and emotionally with such a transition. Preparation is the key...

Back to school in a new country

In addition to it being a new environment, for an expat child, going to a new school can be exciting or nerve-wracking. There are some ways to support both parents and children cope mentally and emotionally with such a transition. Preparation is the key...

Cyber bullying is the newest type of bullying that is affecting kids and teens across the world, causing depression, emotional problems, anxiety and in some cases even suicide. Any form of bullying can have serious consequences, however, cyber bullying can be particularly dangerous because...

Preventing your child from being a victim of online / cyber bullying

Cyber bullying is the newest type of bullying that is affecting kids and teens across the world, causing depression, emotional problems, anxiety and in some cases even suicide. Any form of bullying can have serious consequences, however, cyber bullying can be particularly dangerous because...