Addiction Recovery

Recovery is a long process, not a destination

I Know You Are Tired, I Know You Feel Like Giving Up, But You Are Not Going To

You Know Why?

Because You Are Strong, And because You Survived Through All The THINGS, Your Addiction Has put You Through, You Can Survive Recovery.


Addiction can be simply described as a compulsive or obsessive engagement to a substance or behavior despite adverse consequences. People can become addicted to a substance such as drugs, alcohol, nicotine or to a behavior like gambling, work, video games, exercise, compulsive overeating, pornography. Scientists and practitioners generally propose several possible causes of addiction: the biological, the psychological and the sociological theories.  However, no matter what the cause is, some studies state that all addictions can be managed depending on the person provided there is a psychic shift in the awareness of their being.

Addiction Recovery Coaching supports individuals in their addiction recovery journey so they do not have to fight it alone. It aims towards building a strong foundation by co-creating a life worth staying healthy for.  Through the process of Recovery Coaching, individuals achieve their goals, deepen their learning, improve their performance, and enhance their quality of life in order to create a lasting abstinence.

Some individuals might experience slips during or post their treatment and a recovery specialist is the perfect person to help them continue build practical tools to improve their daily life and remain sober.

Recovery is a rich and full process that makes abstinence sustainable and its success is based on re-creating a new rewarding and meaningful life.

It is essential for recovery addicts post treatment to discover a self-directed motivation that is necessary to persist long enough to develop recovery habits. Insights from positive psychology can increase the efficacy and effectiveness of addiction treatment by nurturing recovery using GRIT and RESILENCE.

“GRIT” is an emerging concept in positive psychology and it is receiving a great deal of interest recently because of its robust ability to predict success and well-being across a wide variety of domains. (Academic and professional achievement).

  • “Grit is the tendency to sustain interest in, effort, passion and perseverance toward very long-term goals such as Sobriety despite failure and adversity
  • Grit is having stamina, Grit is sticking with your future day in day out, not just for the month, but for years and working hard to make that future reality.
  • Grit is about working on something you care about so much that you are willing to stay loyal to it i.e. your sobriety
  • Grit is living life like it is a marathon not a sprint – Dr. Angela Duckworth

Several studies have stated that individuals with high levels of grit:

  • Are more motivated to seek meaning in their lives
  • Are strongly dedicated and have endurance to achieve long-term success rather than short-term gratification.
  • Have positive relationships with others
  • Have high hopes, humility, self-confidence and learn from their failures
  • Are authentic and stubborn
  • Persevere despite obstacles, maintain long-term focus and complete difficult tasks
  • Have greater psychological well-being, a healthier outlook on life and are more engaged at work and in life.

Getting Gritty in Sobriety : Getting Gritty in sobriety is a 12 weeks coaching program that applies positive psychology insights and interventions to help recovering addicts establish lifelong skills to pursue happier, more meaningful lives have better relationship with the self and others, so that addiction becomes less tempting and relapse is prevented.

This program explores Grit and how to apply it to Sobriety through PP interventions that enhance wellbeing through positive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning, achievement and vitality (PERMAV).

Program includes a combination of lecture and discussions, as well as individual exercises and questions that help create insights.

Who can benefit

  • Recovery addicts who have already completed a minimum period of 9 months at the rehab centers in the region and / or still following an outpatient program and looking for coaching support (Getting Gritty and resilient One to one coaching program )
  • Rehab centers accommodating beneficiaries who are actually following treatment – Facilitation of the 12 weeks program as part of their Rehabilitation success program.
  • Outpatient centers who receive and treat users and abusers at their premises – Facilitation of the 12 weeks program once a week as part of the services / programs they provide at the center.


All participants have the possibility to join our weekly Support group where we share insights and strategies related to cultivating Grit and building resilience that can strengthen their recovery journey. Our support group is an opportunity as well for them to find their sober tribe.

Want to explore more? Contact us for a full breakdown of the program

If you are struggling with addiction or know someone who does, we can support you to create a better and addiction-free future. If you have questions contact us on +961 3 680300 (Confidentiality for all calls)

