Do you talk to yourself? Yes? How?

Actually we all participate in some form of self-talk. Self-talk is your personal internal dialog that tells you “I am awesome” or “I am not good enough”. Negative self-talk limits you, increases your stress levels and lowers your confidence, whereas positive self-talk guides you to become your very best at everything you do.

Learning to change your inner talk will change your life in so many positive ways. We all have the ability to change self talk and thus change the way we feel about our lives and boost our self esteem.
Self-affirmation is one of the ways that help overcome negative self-talk and foster positive thinking. Affirmations also change the way you feel about yourself.

Empowering affirmations are always stated in a positive way. “I can do this. I am smart, I like my hair… ” affirmations are a powerful tool that helps you feel better, create positive attitude and achieve your desired goals.

You may need to repeat an affirmation many times before your mind accepts it.
When making affirmations, write and say them as if they already exist. For example, “I am a fast runner,” not “I will run fast.” When we state in the present, we start creating the desired outcome.  Keep affirmations short, simple and clear and try to involve as many senses as possible while repeating them until you really feel good inside

Thought to share with you this amazing video of a little girl that uses the morning affirmations to start her day on a positive note. check it out :)


Linda Chaccour