Happier You

Happier You

Are you ready to create greater happiness in your life and in your world??

NOW, you can build a solid foundation for a practical and sustainable journey towards ultimate bliss.

Your Awakening Journey starts here!!


It is about time you unleash this greatness on the world. 

If An Egg Is Broken By Outside ForceLife EndsIf Broken By Inside ForceLife Begins. Great Things Always Begin From Inside! 

Everything I do through Emerge Coaching is about helping you find your personal freedom and empowering you to discover your potential and power as an individual to choose what you want in life and to take action for yourself accordingly.  

Freedom from limiting beliefs, cultural hold backs, and anything that holds you back from choosing what you want to do and who you want to be.

Positive Psychology Coaching (PPC) is an investment in your most precious resource, YOU.

Positive Psychology Coaching is a scientifically rooted approach to helping you increase your well-being, enhance and apply your strengths and improve your performance. A considerable body of professional research supports PPC that offers a structured and reliable method to supporting you achieve your valued goals. 

5 Benefits of Positive Psychology Coaching

  • Increased openness to personal development
  • Developed ability to identify positive solutions
  • Improvement in desired performance and goals
  • A greater sense of ownership over self
  • Improved self-awareness for strengths and weaknesses

In addition, PPC will support you to:

  • Fulfill your potential, determine the roadblocks for success, set your life direction and accomplish your goals.
  • Make changes, incorporate positive habits in your life, change your internal language and re-engineer your thoughts.
  • Reframe any event in your life and be empowered and in control of any life situation.
  • Find a balance, control your emotions and become content with your world.

What package fits you best?

“Emerge blissful Journey” package of 10 sessions

 This coaching program is recommended to promote lasting changes. It gives you the time to get in touch with your strengths, breakthrough existing barriers, and create a new life pattern and transform your thinking.

It is our most popular package because it doesn’t matter if you are aware about the changes you would like to make or if you just want your life to be different. This package gives us enough time to get to the root of the issues and give you the tools to make those important lasting changes in your life.

“Emerge revival Journey” package of 8 sessions

 This coaching program is designed for people that would like to gain more self-awareness and clarity, establish life direction and/or need help in managing and reducing stress.

“Emerge serenity Journey” package for 6 sessions

 This coaching program is a foundation for self-awareness and for transforming the performance and perceptions of an individual.

Power or dilemma sessions

Power and dilemma sessions are designed to gain more awareness and understanding in regards to a particular issue. The Coaching discussion will support you to generate insights that are required to make a shift.


All coaching programs include telephone and email support as well as resources and techniques emailed and explained to you.  All coaching programs are designed to be uplifting and motivating and sessions could be conducted in Arabic or in English (or both). The duration of one session is 60 and is conducted at Emerge Coaching Office located in Kaslik -Lebanon or Via online. 

Emerge Coaching specializes as well in trauma healing, shadow work, anxiety management, and healing the inner child

You are welcome to email us on happiness@emerge-coaching.net to schedule a free 30 minutes trial session.



Throughout my journey with Linda, I went far beyond achieving my goals. She helped me to eliminate all the negative thoughts that were unceasingly crossing my mind, and blocking me from EMERGING…With her, i learned to turn every “i can’t” into “of course i can” and every bad experience into a lesson… She unfolded my wings so i can be able to fly… In one sentence : Linda redefined my life, and i will always be grateful!


I would like to tell you that I am astonished from your remarkable abilities to tap into the specific issues, providing totally new perspectives. I feel that your coaching style is so so so personalized to me and so relevant. I did not feel this with all other professionals I met, as it always remained in the general far from correct diagnosis. I will not be surprised to see you one day achieving your goal and vision.
