This is how to create lasting change in 2018

This is how to create lasting change in 2018

Nelson Mandela said “As I walked out the door toward the gate that would lead to my freedom, I knew if I didn’t leave my bitterness and hatred behind, I would still be in prison”.

Happy New Year from Emerge Coaching!!

Do you know what day today is? It is January 15th! Do you know what this day means? It is the cutoff date J
Statistics show that 95% of people who made a New Year resolution have already broken it by today. If you are an exception to that, then Congratulations!!

Most people do not make New Year resolutions anymore because they know they won’t follow through and they don’t want to get disappointed with themselves. Why bother to set new resolutions for this year if things will remain the same as last year?

So what does it really take to make things happen for you and not only on the beginning of a new year but at all times?


Change is automatic but progress is not. The secret of happiness is real progress. One thing that will help you create the life of your dreams and be happy is your commitment to grow and progress. When you put time, focus and energy looking how you can improve, expand and raise your standards in all areas of your life you become a happier person. Most people often mix between wishes, resolutions, goals and dreams as they are all desired outcomes, however a real goal / resolution is energy and action driven. Have you ever noticed that when you want to achieve something and really focus on it, it feels like you take nonstop actions and things start moving along very quickly? It is because where focus goes energy flows! Unfortunately most people make a wish list and call it resolutions!!

Don’t wait for January 1st to reflect on your life and make some resolutions, start today and aim for a lasting change instead.

Here are the 3 steps for lasting change:

  • Take some reflection time to create a compelling vision for yourself: Get clear on what you truly want to achieve for yourself in 2018 in all key areas of your life. Your vision must be inspiring enough to excite you and pulls you towards it. It is very essential to ask yourself WHY. Why do you really want what your heart desires the most? Find reasons strong enough to keep you going to get that goal despite the challenges you might face.


  • Review your vision and make sure to feel it every day. It could be a career move, a new relationship, business expansion… for anything you want to attract in your life you need to think constantly about it so it becomes a part of you. It is crucial to believe that it is possible and a must for you because we, as human beings, only follow through on what we believe we are.


  • Introduce rituals: When it comes to fulfilling your commitments self-discipline is not sufficient. That is why most New Year resolutions fail. Instead of focusing on cultivating self-discipline as a means towards change, introduce rituals. Rituals are the little things that you do each day that create momentum to reach your goals. Building rituals requires defining precise behaviors and actions to be performed at specific times motivated by deeply held values.  Initiating rituals is often difficult but maintaining them is easy. Happy people have rituals. If you value family, then you need to develop rituals around your family life where you feel you are progressing and living in alignment with that value. What rituals would make you happier? What would you like to introduce to your life? Could it be working out twice a week? Meditating 15 minutes a day? Reading an hour every 2 days….introduce no more than 2 rituals at a time, make sure they become habits before introducing new ones.

Success and failures don’t just happen they are the results of your daily rituals. Things will start to build one on top of the other until one day you wake up and realize that you are living the life of your dreams!

People are rewarded in public for the things they practiced for years in private.

For some of us 2017 has been an adventure, for others it has been great, for some it is year that we gained wisdom from, and for some it is s a year we just want to forget, regardless of what was your 2017 about, are you able to use it to empower you in 2018?

If we can help in any way, don’t hesitate to contact Emerge Coaching  if you feel you want to take your life to a greater level and need some clarity and tools that effectively work.

Live Happy, Live Strong, God bless you.

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About the Author
Linda Chaccour is a passionate Life Strategist and Happiness Coach, a Certified Youth, Parent and Family Coach, and the founder of Emerge Coaching in UAE and in Lebanon. A graduate of the NeuroLeadership Group, the World Coach Institute, and the Robbins-Madanes Training school (RMT), Linda has had the honor of being trained by the International Coach Federation and the motivational guru and success coach, Anthony Robbins.