You are strong because of your past pains, Are you aware of that?

You are strong because of your past pains, Are you aware of that?

“The real man smiles in trouble, gathers strength from distress, and grows brave by reflection.”
Thomas Paine.  

I was very happy and honored to take part of the Warriors in Pink, event in Ehden, Lebanon. The event was powered by Ford Middle East and aimed to honor the fight against breast cancer.  It was so inspiring to listen to the amazing ladies sharing their stories and how they were all brought together to remind them how strong they are.

Everyone goes through pain and injustice in life, whether emotional, physical or financial pain. Everyone had someone who they cared for deeply hurt them, who they trusted or looked up to for support and love, disappointed them.  All kind of experiences we go through in life have a purpose, a positive one.  If it was not for all that I hated the most, I would not have what I loved the most, right?

It is a guided and a gifted moment when you rise above all your pain and realize that it serves something greater than just you, and then you grow. And in growth lie progress, happiness and aliveness. Tears of grace are shed when you can turn that pain into contribution, then you realize that your journey has begun and you are no longer a victim of your story or your past.  That moment not only changes your life but also you will be able to lift and change others as well.

There is no challenge you can’t overcome or you can’t face, the events of our lives don’t control our lives, our decisions do. We all go through form of extreme stress, the difference in people lives is not what they face is what they do with what they face. No matter what, you can take yourself from a place in the face of total tragedy to triumph but it requires to make some new decisions and take some new actions and mastering a part of yourself that can unleash all of your powers as individuals. And if you do, the game of life changes!

Whatever you are facing at this very moment, I invite you to stay mindful, grateful, to spend your time wisely and to be always surrounded with people who lift you up.  Always believe that, at all times, your life is full and that you are blessed and vey resourceful and that Happiness is a choice.

Our life is a reflection of our emotional pattern, if you live in sadness you can have a billion dollars and still feel sad, if you live in gratitude and passion, you can face any kind of challenge and overcome it.  If you want your life to be meaningful make it about WE not ME.

Linda Chaccour
Life Strategist, Happiness Coach
Founder Emerge Coaching

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About the Author
Linda Chaccour is a passionate Life Strategist and Happiness Coach, a Certified Youth, Parent and Family Coach, and the founder of Emerge Coaching in UAE and in Lebanon. A graduate of the NeuroLeadership Group, the World Coach Institute, and the Robbins-Madanes Training school (RMT), Linda has had the honor of being trained by the International Coach Federation and the motivational guru and success coach, Anthony Robbins.