Are you mindful or mind full?

Are you mindful or mind full?

“Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens.” Carl Jung

Remember that day where you didn’t have a single thought? Neither do I!

We are perpetual thinkers, it is a non-stop habit. We generate about 70.000 thoughts a day! Some help us live the life we want to live and some make us feel less about ourselves and others.

How to stop overthinking especially if it is negative and have our mind to our side??

One of the most effective ways is to be engaged in the Present.
Whenever you are trying to accomplish a task, it is very ideal if you can be fully focused while doing it and fully present in the moment. Being present grants the benefit of using all of you, a 100 percent of your capabilities to do what you need to do to move forward and we only move forward in the present.

If you are caught thinking about what the future might hold or what the past has done to you, you need to become aware of your thoughts especially if they are negative and if you start to identify with them. Use your thinking instead of letting it use YOU.

In order to control your negative thoughts, redirect them by asking yourself this question:

How I can I change this into something that helps me instead of holding me back?

This question really helped me to constantly redirect and re-shape my thoughts, thus becoming more positive, mindful and grateful.  Being present means being there fully, not thinking about something else, not letting your mind wander in all the directions, imagining and assuming things that could happen.

Even if you are not happy with your life circumstances at the moment, focusing on the present is essential because through that you can change things more effectively with less resistance. It grants you endless opportunities and enhances your personal power over your life which allows you to take actions and make an impact.

In order to come in full terms with the current moment more often throughout your day, there are some basic things you can do to day like mediation, deep breathing, exercising, and simply focusing fully on what you are doing right now.

If you can learn to pay attention to the details of the current moment it will take your mind off the past and off the future and bring you into the NOW.

Open your eyes as a whole world of opportunities awaits you. When you become more present in your day you can enjoy life more, you can make so much more and you can create a better future.

Take charge of yourself right now and stay Happy!


Linda Chaccour
Founder Emerge Coaching
Life Strategist – Happiness Consultant

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About the Author
Linda Chaccour is a passionate Life Strategist and Happiness Coach, a Certified Youth, Parent and Family Coach, and the founder of Emerge Coaching in UAE and in Lebanon. A graduate of the NeuroLeadership Group, the World Coach Institute, and the Robbins-Madanes Training school (RMT), Linda has had the honor of being trained by the International Coach Federation and the motivational guru and success coach, Anthony Robbins.