6 Secrets for a happy family vacation

6 Secrets for a happy family vacation

“The greatest legacy we can leave our children is happy memories, enough happiness to fill their hearts and more love than they can spend a lifetime”.

Vacation is a chance to take a break from work, explore the world and enjoy time with family. But what makes a family vacation successful?

Find out the 6 secrets of a happy family vacation:

1- The essence of a happy family vacation is that you truly bond together: Vacation is, in fact, the perfect time for all the family members to reconnect by spending quality time together.

2- Disconnect from technology and reconnect with life: because life at its best is happening right in front of you. The moments you spend with your family will never repeat themselves, the conversations are authentic and the love beside you is real…But if you are too busy staring down at your screen, you’re going to miss all of it!

3- Create your own activities as a family: “A family that plays together stays together”. During the summer, it’s a great time to spend quality uninterrupted time playing with your kids, and choose at least one activity that the family does together, like biking, swimming, hiking…

4- Keep the structure: Remember that children thrive on stability and that structure is key when kids are out of school. Discuss with your kids about vacation rules and write them together. It is important to keep regular sleep schedule, family dinners and routine. By doing so, you will be ensuring a better vacation for both your children and yourself.

5- Make time for your own kind of fun: Being on vacation with the family doesn’t mean you don’t have time for yourself. Remember that each member of the family needs to have his “down time”. It is, thus, important to have some time everyday to relax and unwind. Everyone will surely have more fun if he has his special time to do whatever he feels like doing.

6- Create beautiful memories: One of the best ways to make ourselves happy in the present is to recall happy times from the past. So making the effort to take pictures and videos, keeping trip books, or gather meaningful souvenirs will really boost your happiness later. It will help your whole family remember that vacation. After all, when you think of the possessions in your home, aren’t your pictures among the most prized?

Enjoying your vacation with your family is all about connecting, spending meaningful time together, and keeping your children under control. But the most important tip for a family vacation is to remember to take a vacation! That means unplugging from technology, and taking a break from work and daily routine so everyone can relax, have fun and recharge their soul.

Let go of unrealistic expectations that you’ll have a perfect vacation, and keep in mind that you’re creating family memories together.
Just enjoy, and bon voyage!

Haifa Dada
Youth, Parent and Family Coach

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About the Author
Linda Chaccour is a passionate Life Strategist and Happiness Coach, a Certified Youth, Parent and Family Coach, and the founder of Emerge Coaching in UAE and in Lebanon. A graduate of the NeuroLeadership Group, the World Coach Institute, and the Robbins-Madanes Training school (RMT), Linda has had the honor of being trained by the International Coach Federation and the motivational guru and success coach, Anthony Robbins.