What makes you happy?

What makes you happy?

You deserve to live happily. Take the Happiness quiz now and find out how happy are you?

Aren’t we all chasing happiness?  I really believe that everyone’s purpose is to have a happy and fulfilled life. Don’t you wonder why some people enjoy their lives no matter how challenging the difficulties are, while others cannot find peace no matter how hard they try?

You might believe that a pay rise, a different career, an expensive car, a bigger house, an unforgettable vacation, or even a fitter body, would be the source of your happiness. Let me assure you that these false pursuits are more likely to deliver short-term pleasures than necessarily long-term satisfaction.

So what does really make us happy?

Extensive scientific studies in the fields of positive psychology and neuroscience,  conducted in the past decade, reveal that happiness is an attainable skill that can be cultivated by incorporating positive habits and practices that could potentially bring more joy into our life and the lives of those around us. Some studies suggest that 50% of our overall happiness level is genetic, and 10% is determined by external circumstances such as wealth, social status, career, friends… while the remaining 40% is determined by our choices, thoughts, feelings, words and actions.

This is to tell you that you actually have the power to reverse your situation by putting your mind into reprogramming those 40%. According to cognitive behavior research, 90% of what we do is a result of habits we have acquired over the years, so to become happier, you need to start looking to your habits.

Did you know that happy individuals are not necessarily born with any supernatural powers, or extra vision that you don’t have? They have just developed different positive habits that you deserve to learn.

It is proven that happy people tend to enjoy better health, live longer, nourish closer friendships, and display more creativity and success in what they do.

Start with these simple strategies to start bringing happiness into your life:

  • Express gratitude, count your blessings and focus on what is going well in your life, make it a daily practice.
  • Nurture your relationship with your family and friends, commit to do thoughtful actions and random acts of kindness more frequently.
  • Be optimistic regarding your future, set meaningful goals and commit to achieve them.
  • Savor the positive experiences in  your life.
  • Stop for a moment relax and enjoy what you are doing/seeing/ being
  • Exercise! a 15 min routine a day will make you feel vital and energetic.

I believe that true happiness is a choice and it resides within each one of us. Our mindset, our perspective of the world, our actions and our thoughts impact our overall happiness level. Happiness has different forms and facets. I am not referring here to the short-term feelings of happiness when you just spent a great time with a friend savoring a tasty meal or being in a place where you feel privileged. These, are sometimes considered moments of happiness, however when I say true happiness, I am really referring to that inner feeling of fulfillment and an unbeatable sense of joy.

In other words, it is when you live a really happy life by being in total alignment with your values, knowing who you are and what you need. It is being in a total harmony with your passions, doing the things you love the most. That feeling where you enjoy cultivating flourishing relationships with yourself and others,  taking care of yourself and your loved ones, living in appreciation and gratitude, accepting your body, growing your mind and living from your soul. This is happiness from within, a sense of self-accomplishment and self-actualization that doesn’t depend on external materialistic factors and other individuals.

Happiness depends on YOU. Happiness within or happiness in between, whatever your views are in regards to happiness, always adopt a positive attitude and Stay Happy!!

Don’t wait any longer, you deserve to live happily. Take the Happiness quiz now and find out how happy are you?

Do you want to bring more happiness into your life??  the “Live Happy” Coaching Program can help you awaken to your true self and discover what is possible for you. email happiness@emerge-coaching.net  to find out more!

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About the Author
Linda Chaccour is a passionate Life Strategist and Happiness Coach, a Certified Youth, Parent and Family Coach, and the founder of Emerge Coaching in UAE and in Lebanon. A graduate of the NeuroLeadership Group, the World Coach Institute, and the Robbins-Madanes Training school (RMT), Linda has had the honor of being trained by the International Coach Federation and the motivational guru and success coach, Anthony Robbins.